Wednesday, 31 March 2010

The coolest version of a perceptual map

Love this version of a 'Hot and Not' type chart from the Times Fashion section. Think that using the layout of a visual perceptual map with 'High End' 'High Street' and 'We Like' 'We Dislike' as the axis is a clever and interesting change of the standard 'Hot or Not' charts....I do have a bit of an obsession with those!

My Last Five Girlfriends

I found the trailer for 'My Last Five Girlfriends' whilst on the Jigsaw website. I tried to copy across the actual clip from YouTube, but due to my inability and impatience to solve technical problems, I have resorted to having the link to the advert and screen-prints of the parts of the adverts that really stood out.

The interesting and arty use of props, for example the green cardigan which is unraveled to spell out ‘I Love You’, gives the film an interesting twist on the standard rom-com and immediately adds more to remember, just from seeing the ad. It instantly reminds me of ‘Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind’ which I love, and this different portrayal of love and film making looks like it could make for a quirky and enduring film.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Spring Style Wish List

I love the look and the mood of this photo-shoot, from the Spring/Summer 2010 edition of The Telegraph Fashion. I love the mix of the textures alongside the messy, unkempt hair styles of the models. The pale blue Swarovski Lousie Goldin dress, is my current spring season favourite (but this has been known to change regularly). I would love to find high street alternatives following this bohemian. laid back style to wear this spring.